Tuesday, August 20, 2013


This is just a quick one to say that it is Rakhi today, a rather nice Hindu festival that I'm quite taken with.  It is described on wikipedia:


Rakhi is a special occasion to mark the bond between and brother and sister.  The ritual involves a sister tying a bracelet around the wrist of a brother to celebrate their emotional bonding and the sister prays for the brother's long life, whilst the brother recognises his lifelong vow to protect his sister.  In return, the brother gives the sister a gift (usually money).  This ritual is supposed to strengthen the bond between brother and sister.

Sagar had a new bracelet this morning which his sister had sent from their village 350km away.  This clearly meant a lot to him and the bond of family and his relationship with his sister is very important.

If any of our opposite siblings would like a bracelet / gift then you have four hours to get in touch!

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